Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our cat found a mouse

On March 16th 2010, my cat caught a mouse. It was around 10:30 pm as we were getting ready for bed. My mom was downstairs trying to call my cat in and she saw her playing with something. So she knew my cat had caught something. She got closer and saw that it was a mouse. She picked up the mouse and it was still alive! We brought it in and put it in a cage, gave it food, water and love. Then it was happy and healthy. On March 19th 2010 we tried to hold and it got out into our house but, don't worry we caught it. After that, my cat tried to catch another mouse. We thought if we let the first mouse go, it should be with it's friend. So we let it go, which has pros and cons. Pros: first, we didn't want to get too attached to it; second, we couldn't hold it. If we ever keep a mouse I want it to be domesticated so we can hold it; and third, I think it loves us more now that we let it go. Cons: first, it's so cute; second, we love animals; third, we felt connected to it because we saved it's life; forth, we didn't want it to get hurt again; and fifth, we already named it. It's name was Miss Mousy/Twitch, because we didn't know if it was a boy or girl.

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